Save Instrument State
Save the instrument state in a proprietary format with a *.state file extension.
Click , then select "Save State".
- By default, the instrument state is stored in the "Documents" folder on your computer and files are organized by instrument type. For example – C:\Users\<user_name>\Documents\Keysight\PathWaveOscilloscope\States\.
- In order to save the state, the instrument must be connected and launched in the Oscilloscope application window. If an instrument is not currently connected, the save operation is disabled.
- The state of the instrument can be stored even if the oscilloscope is currently acquiring measurements.
- The state of the instrument will not be stored if instrument communication is currently paused or has been lost.
- Saving the instrument state does not store any measurement or trace data. To save your measurement or trace data, use the Export Data Log operation.
Instrument state files previously saved from the earlier (classic) versions of Keysight BenchVue Oscilloscope application are not compatible with the PathWave BenchVue Oscilloscope application.